Give yourself love
There is a study done by a Japanese doctor named Dr. Masaru Emoto. He put rice into 3 different jars. With one he spoke loving words, with another he spoke hateful, hurtful words and the 3rd jar was ignored.
After 30 days, the hateful words and the ignored rice turned black while the love jar fermented.
The same thing can happen in our bodies. We thrive in love but neglect and hate can literally kill us.
It is scientifically proven that our bodies respond to our thoughts and words, whether we think and speak to other people or ourselves.
So, why don’t we start paying attention to how we are speaking to ourselves?
Sit for a moment in quiet and just think. What are you thinking about? Is it a list for what to do later? If it is, is how you are making the list nice or not so nice. Are you remembering a fight you just had? What are your thoughts around the fight? Are they loving thoughts or are they blaming and shaming. Are you thinking about next week or next year? Are they loving thoughts or not?
I want you to change up your thinking for a few minutes.
I want you to give love to yourself. Giving love to ourselves is something we don’t do enough of, if ever!
What I noticed when I gave myself love right before a test, I had better test scores. I also felt calmer and ready to take the tests compared to when I didn’t give myself love.
Once a day to start. Then do it more often and when you feel bad or low, or angry.
We live in such a sick society in the United States. We are literally taught to dislike everything about ourselves so magazines, TV, advertisements, and ultimately corporations take our money for the snake oil they sell. They sell us everything that is supposed to make us beautiful, young, and healthy.
But, what they are actually doing is wearing us down, making us feel bad about ourselves because we simply cannot reach the level of perfection they try to sell us.
In turn, we have continuously believed that we have to reach a level of perfection in order to be liked in our society. We have to have all the things that our co-workers and friends and family have. We have to use the same jargon as our peers use. We have to watch the same shows on Netflix, Disney or TV to have some common ground to chat about “around the water cooler”. We have to dress the same so we aren’t talked about for wearing the “wrong” style.
The beauty industry shows us that we don’t need to find healing within because they have a cover up for that. They make billions off of women who don’t yet know that their acne is emotionally based.
We lost the love for ourselves. If we ever had love for ourselves to begin with!
The lost love in our world has many, many repercussions beyond what I have listed here and could take 10+ blog posts to just skim the surface.
I believe the lack of love in our world is the forgetting that we are damn powerful beings. It was lost when Atlantis fell. It was lost when we put our power into someone else’s hands, i.e. organized religion. It was lost when we were told what to believe instead of allowing ourselves to find our own truths.
But, why would we want to love ourselves?
Why would we not want to?
Love for self is creating healthy boundaries, creating healthy relationships, feeling proud of yourself, asserting ones self. Its finding your confidence that isn’t based on a tangible object. Its forgiving yourself, prioritizing your health and wellness, making healthy choices. Self-love is finding your self-worth and being true to who you are with no people pleasing, just pleasing yourself. Its accepting your flaws and imperfections. Its finding the beauty within you.
When you love yourself you have an inner radiance that the beauty industry could only wish they could bottle and sell. You have a power within that screams don’t fuck with me! You don’t care what other people think of you. When you love yourself you start to see the depth of you and others. You don’t have to rely on other people to feel loved (though it does feel damn good).
There are many ways to find your love. This is just one fun way to start.
I’ve tried mantras but they didn’t work for me, nor doing something nice for myself. And holding myself accountable to give myself love seems super counterintuitive and like I’m failing before I start.
This is super easy, takes a moment and there is no accountability needed.
Start from the top of your head and work your way down through your whole body, give yourself love.
State out loud, “I love my hair, I love my skin, I love my fascia, I love my hands, I love my veins, I love my lips, I love my teeth, I love my spleen, I love my large intestines, I love my uterus, I love my testicles, I love my leg hair, I love my toes. I love my laugh, I love my tears.” etc. As you say each part touch it if you can. Feel it if you can.
Find a human anatomy picture online and use this as a guide to saying “I Love You” to each part of your own body. Because why don’t you want to give love to your ACL, trachea, or descending colon?
While giving love to yourself you can even state why you love that body part: I love my hands because they are my tools to do all my work, they hold books that I love reading so much, they hold my husbands hands whom I love so much, they touch his body and give him pleasure, they give me pleasure, they allow me to touch soft things, they held my new born baby, I was able to care for her with my hands, etc.
Do you see where I’m going with that example?
I have gotten emotional at times while doing this. Allow the emotions to flow. Allow the tears because they are cleansing so don’t hold them back!
Find the love you give your morning beverage of choice and give it to yourself.
Hopefully, by the time you are done giving love to yourself you feel lighter than when you started.
I have never not felt better after I do this for myself. I bet it will be the same for you!