The Protection of Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful.
On our journey to move my Harmonic Egg, Serinita, to her new home in Kemmerer Wyoming, my family and I stopped to visit Yellowstone National Park. We meandered from dropping off Serinita in Wyoming through to Jackson Hole, to the Tetons and into Yellowstone. I have always wanted to experience and see with my human eyes the majestic beauty that mother earth has created here.
Deep down, subconsciously, I knew I would get information about Yellowstone but wasn’t there to get any spiritual wisdom or to connect with beings living there. What came to me later is what I want to share with you today.
But, before that great information download, I must share a funny story.
We were enjoying our time wandering through the geysers behind Old faithful on the walkway and I lost my hat in the wind as I was bring sprayed by an exuberant geyser and it landed off elevated walkway. If you don’t know, you don’t step off the elevated walk ways, it can be very dangerous. So, I said goodbye to the hat. (I wonder if the Park Rangers have a big stash of hats somewhere.)
On our way back to the car after I bought myself a new hat in one of the shops, I was talking to my husband, Nathan, while our daughter, Rowan, was scampering around us. I decided to open myself up to any information about Yellowstone that wanted to come in. I could feel energies of protectors on the land. They were mostly Native Americans but I felt they wanted to be left alone.
So then, I expanded my awareness out further.
This is where my information download comes in.
I got a bit of information while I was in Yellowstone, but since it was such a quick visit and didn’t have time to really connect in on our quick roadtrip, I have since gathered more information through communicating with beings from the GFL, or the Galactic Federation of Light, through automatic writing.
Here’s the scoop!
Yellowstone National Park is being protected by an energy field created by the GFL. It is like a thick lattice of sacred geometry. I see it in blue. It completely surrounds the park in a bubble. I can’t quite pinpoint where the energy is coming from, it feels like the GFL is accessing Source energy. It feels very much like the protection they are using to protect the Earth from the sun.
This bubble of protection is to keep an eruption at bay. It keeps the energy of love surrounding it as there is much upheaval in the earth’s crust here.
This National Park, with its strong geologic formations and geothermal activity is very much like a festering infection on the surface of Mother Gaia. The energies that created this are based in low vibratory energies and emotions such as: shame, embarrassment, apathy, pain, and mostly fear that Mother Gaia feels from the beings living on her.
Though this spot has been here since Mother Gaia created Earth, the last few hundred years have really influenced it. The collective emotions from those inhabiting the surface of the earth are collecting here.
What I learned is that Mother Gaia created this spot to remove low vibratory energies when needed in her lifespan. It shifts and moves as the tectonic plates move.
And its not just here that the emotions are collecting. Volcanoes are a good example of collective emotions, but those emotions are focused in one small place and often are released with eruptions. Just like a pimple, (if I’m going to go with skin problems as analogies).
The emotions in Yellowstone are being felt most acutely, though. They are being centered here, festering here without any big eruption. So much so, that should we have a devastating eruption it would take out most of the west side of North America. And in quite a few timelines, that is exactly what happened.
Mother Gaia is channeling the low vibe energies to this spot and others around the world and she is protecting those that live in inner earth. There are layers of inner earth and different civilizations are layered within. To protect Inner Earth beings, Mother Gaia concentrates the low energy and 3rd dimension to the surface of the world. Inner earth beings are 4th, 5th and 6th dimensional and way more in sync with Mother Gaia and the universe, compared to us on the surface.
There are different protections within and without Mother Gaia. Yellowstone is extra protected because of all this low energy that concentrates there. Iceland is another spot of great geological upheaval. As we see with the many volcanoes in one place. But, Iceland is not as protected as Yellowstone because it is actually releasing energy with eruptions.
Yellowstone is a direct reflection of how humans manage their emotions. If we keep our emotions bottled up they fester inside us and eventually create disease. Our disease shows up at the most vulnerable spot in our body. Yellowstone, Iceland and even the “Ring of Fire” are the vulnerable spots of Mother Gaia.
Because we are seeing such upheaval in our consciousness, or we are all becoming more aware of the upheaval in our consciousness, we see energies on the rise. Yellowstone is in direct energetic correlation to this rise of energies.
Thus, the protection that the Extraterrestrials are giving us. The GFL has learned that ascension to the next dimension comes with great turmoil in the beings ascending.
A planet ascending can be violent.
Mother Gaia and us humans ascending together, at the same time? This has never happened before in our Universe. So, the GFL is being extra cautious. They are paving the path to our ascension to make it easier with all that is stacked against us.
How amazing is that?
The GFL is protecting Yellowstone for all of us, Mother Gaia included, so we can ascend quicker. I wonder what other ways the GFL have been helping us?
I thank you for taking a little journey with me to learn about Yellowstone National Park and the information I accessed.
What random thing will I come across in my spiritual journey to share with you in the future?