for she is magic in a bottle
My name is Laura Wegner.
One day, around 2016 or 2017, I asked to find my spirituality. It was a random moment in the car with my husband and daughter (who was around 1 or 2 at the time). We were on our way into Bend, OR to run some errands. Nothing happened after this random moment. Or so I thought.
It was about 4 or 5 years later that I remembered this moment. The moment that literally changed my life but I didn’t know it. I found my spirituality through conspiracy theories, documentaries, social media, books and ultimately meditation and the Harmonic Egg.
It took a long time but I started to remember. It was nothing shocking, no deep dark life altering dark night of the soul. I eased into it, which is a lot different than many on this path.
I opened a healing business with the Harmonic Egg then closed it. (Oh goodness, is that a crazy awesome story for later!) I learned Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique and Beyond Quantum Healing. I meditated daily. I taught myself with some help of amazing guides inside of meditation how to channel extraterrestrial beings. I opened myself up to my intuition. I learned how to see energies, entities, or demons (its all semantics) and I can clear people and places of these energies.
I’m not just a witch or psychic an exorcist or clairvoyant nor just a channeler or a quantum hypnotist. I am many things; I’ve learned that what I do doesn’t fit into anyone’s box so I have categorized myself as a Mystic.
My path as a human on planet Earth now is to help you remember. I do this with Quantum Hypnosis, Intuitive Sessions, and Channeling. I also am here to help remove energies from your energy field, home, office, building or land that don’t belong there.
Let me help you to take your sovereignty back, your energetic space back and your remembrance.