Clear Protection
A practical guide to protecting your energies!
I first came upon the Clear Protection a couple years ago on my spiritual journey. I found that many practitioners of energy work do this general ritual daily.
There is no right or wrong way of doing this spell. You can add or subtract elements but the main idea of it is to ground into Mother Gaia, Clear your energy, and Protect yourself.
I currently work with the public and I pick up energies when I don’t mean to. We all do. Its surprising how much we carry around that isn’t ours! We need to clear that shit out so we can get to the core of our own energies.
1. Ground yourself:
Pull in Source energy, healing white light from Source, into your body from the crown chakra down to your feet with each inhale and exhale you take. Allow it to fill you up until white light is bursting from you, emanating from you.
From your crown chakra through to your root chakra and out, imagine a cord attaching to the middle of the earth to ground you into Mother Gaia. You can imagine you have tree roots growing out of the bottom of your feet or use another image that resonates with you most.
I love saying hello and giving love to Mother Gaia while I am doing this. She needs as much love as she can get right now.
2. Clear:
Imagine that something is removing any low vibrational energy that is not serving you from your physical body and energy body.
I have a dragon as a spirit guide so I allow him to blow his flames through my energy body and the ash flies away in the wind.
You can imagine wind, water or anything else to remove the energy that is no longer serving you in this step.
You can also “cut” cords, with everyone and everything, from your body. You can physically pretend to cut like scissors around your physical body to remove cords as well.
This step clears energy that isn’t yours and does not do you any good moving forward.
3. Protect:
This is to protect you from anything that is low vibration or does not serve your higher good. Imagine a bubble of protection around yourself or a White Light Pyramid of Protection around you.
The White Light Pyramid of Protection is my personal favorite that I adopted from Dolores Canon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy sessions. (I use it daily to protect me, my car, my daughter, my home, etc. and so did Dolores!)
If you need something a bit stronger, imagine the point of the White Light Pyramid of Protection surrounding you, then imagine 5 more for a total of 6: North, South, East, West, into space and into Mother Gaia. Imagine the 6-pointed shape spinning. This powerful Merkaba now surrounds you to provide crazy protection.
4. Intension:
State this intention in your mind or out loud:
“Anything that is not in my highest vibrational timeline bounces off of the bubble/pyramid and is sent back to the sender with love.”
The “love” part is vital. You must send the energy back with love. Even when it’s the hardest thing to do or you don’t think the person or situation deserves it, send it anyway. This keeps your vibration up and helps the person or situation.
This has been adapted from The Sage Method and many others’ Ground/Clear/Protect type of spells. There are many out there and I find that this works really well for me, especially when my anxiety is up for no apparent reason. I know that when my anxiety goes away pretty quickly that it did not come from me but from outside of my energy body.
This technique is also helpful to ground yourself before going into a stressful situation, to protect yourself from “Energy Vampires” who suck the energy right out of you, or for a daily ritual just living life. Its for when you need it most to protect yourself. Do it multiple times in a day if you need to but have faith it is there for you when you need it.
Something to know: This is for your highest good. It may be that in certain situations you need to feel whatever you are feeling. The depletion or energy you are feeling is there for a reason. In this case, ask, “what do I need to learn from this?”
I hope this serves you well.