Laura Moon Intuitive Blog
I’ve had so many crazy out there experiences through meditation, channeling, QHHT sessions, BQH sessions and Intuitive Readings that I can’t hold it all in. I feel I need to share this beautiful information. So, I created a blog to chronicle the random things I feel need to be discovered by you.

What is up with donor sperm and eggs?And who is behind the cryobanks?
I’m so curious as to how past lives affect our current life now and this is THE perfect example of past lives impacting this life. But, it went way deeper than that.

Aphantasia From Trauma… An Intuitive Session
I learned that her Aphantasia was caused by a traumatic childhood. She, as a child, couldn’t handle what she saw with her eyes so she dealt with it the best she knew how at the time. She blocked out all visions in her “minds eye” to protect herself from what she saw. She didn’t want to remember or “see” it any longer.