What is up with donor sperm and eggs?And who is behind the cryobanks?
FYI: this is super random and personal story that made me curious as to the spiritual reasoning of things.
I have learned that nothing in life is per chance. It is mostly all planned, at least, the important life experiences like birth, family, friends, accidents, relationships, careers, cars, homes, hobbies, jobs, diseases, death etc. Infertility is one of those things that is definitely planned 99% of the time.
Nathan, my husband, and I met doing laundry in the basement of our apartment complex in college. We were attending The Art Institute of Seattle, which is now closed. I knew a couple weeks into our relationship that he was the one I was going to marry and spend the rest of my life with.
Little did we know that we in fact have spent all incarnations together in all the ways and very specific lives where he was a woman having multiple babies would influence this life so spectacularly!
In these specific lives Nathan gave birth to 10 or more children in each! He was so exhausted from all those baby making and poor lives that he made the executive decision that he would be a man in this life and he would make himself infertile so he wouldn’t have to go through the stress of so many babies.
In this life, at age 17, Nathan had a condition that caused infertility. The doctors probably didn’t even offer freezing his sperm for later. I don’t even know if that could have been a thing in the mid-90’s. He definitely came out of that experience shooting blanks.
I had a tougher time with the discovery of his infertility 6 years into our marriage than Nathan did. But, I knew I had to bring a baby into this world. It was going to happen; I just wasn’t sure how. I knew of selling your eggs so I knew it might be possible to buy sperm.
With some research I found a cryobank based out of LA that I liked. I was shocked to learn the rigorous testing each donor must go through to be able to donate their eggs and sperm.
In the back of my mind I knew that the eggs and sperm donated were tampered with. But how, I had no clue. I just knew the government was involved because what are they not involved in? I didn’t care though. I knew this was our path.
In our fertility journey I found my anxiety, fear, stress, meditation, lots of hormones, and one beautiful Starseed baby named Rowan.
I went many years without knowing why we went through the awful stress we did until I had an Akashic Record reading.
Our Infertility was planned. Nathan didn’t want to experience the stress again so I took it on. But, we were only having one child in this life. (Another reason not to judge families on how many children they do or don’t have. You have no clue what they went through in other lives to bring them to the decisions they made in this life!)
So, now that I am on my spiritual journey I felt the need to channel what is really going on with donor sperm and eggs. Like I said, I knew something was up, I just didn’t know what. And having gone through the experience I have a curiosity that won’t be tamed.
What is really going on with cryobanks?
Cryobanks are facilities that freeze organs or specimens for future use. In this blog I am talking about facilities that sell sperm and eggs for those families that experience infertility or where same sex couples can find their ideal sperm, eggs or both.
The sperm and egg donor cryobank companies look for people that fit into a criterion of attributes: education level, height, weight, fitness levels, hobbies, medical history and a lot of others. Then there is the genetic blood testing.
The gametes (sperm and egg cells) go through rigorous testing looking for specific attributes. I keep getting the lighter gametes… and I mean, light quotient. Not all men and women who submit their gametes for testing will pass the genetic testing, let alone the Light Test. (I don’t know if this is the actual name of the test but this is my name for it). The gametes need to be at a specific lumen overall. Its very literal here. The brighter the gametes, the more light they hold thus the more light the babies will come in with.
I’m getting that this is a secret test that is done. It is disguised as another type of genetic testing. I am also getting that the humans that created the test are under Non-Disclosure Agreements, or NDA’s.
Lorie Ladd wrote an excellent book called The Divine Design that goes into light quotients of humans. This falls directly into the selection of gametes:
“We had to find the percentage of light all Higher Dimensional Consciousnesses could incarnate with and still allow the human form to function. This is what we have termed the light quotient, and it refers to the percentage of light consciousness brings into the human form.”
Lorie Ladd also states that the light quotient percentage remains the same in our human journey, that may be true, but these new humans are bringing in far more light than we honestly thought possible.
The GFL and TLS
These cryobank programs are owned and run by bigger pharmaceutical companies. But, like all secret government goings on, our “good” secret government has their fingers in pharmaceutical industry and in turn the cryobanks. Who else has their fingers in cryobanks? The GFL and TLS. Or the Galactic Federation of Light (Elizabeth April communicates with them) and The Light System (who you may know through Jason Shurka). There are more groups that are also involved but these 2 are the most well-known right now.
The TLS influences decisions high up in our world governments utilizing a lot of humans. In this way they can help make decisions that actually help humanity behind the scenes. We need this type of influence. They make it seem like what they are doing is benefiting the government, and it is, but it is also benefiting humanity on a different level that the crap government cannot fathom.
The TLS utilizes double agent humans in myriad different facets of our society. Doctors and scientists of all kinds are involved, this is how they helped to create and infiltrate cryobanks.
I see the GFL as Extraterrestrials and interdimensionals working at organizing the bigger picture. They are here to help us to remember but they are also here supporting humanity with Earth Ambassadors and so many other ways I can’t list here.
Who Else is Bringing in the Light?
The others that are holding light like no regular human are those on the spectrum and those with Downs. In fact, the further on the spectrum the more light they are holding. This is why people with downs are so different in their chromosomes.
They are holding so much more light that it effects them on a DNA level more drastically. Their physical bodies have a hard time holding the light in. This has affected them to the point where communication is taking place differently. Those that are non-verbal can communicate in different ways such as telepathy.
The density of 3D earth is a shock to their systems. They have abilities that most of us could only dream of nurturing. The problem here is 99% of the parents of these children don’t understand yet what is really happening here. Most never will.
These beautiful beings holding more light experience the veil differently as well. It is much thinner. They remember on a scale that most of us normal humans will never experience.
Most of these souls are here to just anchor in the light for the planet. Their purpose isn’t to share the information they have because most don’t know what’s going on. This is OK. These beautiful beings don’t need to do anything more than what they are doing in this moment, just being themselves.
There are some that will be able to harness their energies and share them with the world but not many.
Who is tampering with the human?
Donor sperm and donor egg DNA isn’t fully human as a regular human is. There is up to 15% more ET DNA that is activated in a subtle way. This is bringing more light to our planet. This is anchoring in more light and holding more light on the planet.
There are more of these children being born today than ever in our history. There are specific men and women who hold higher volumes of activated DNA than others and it physically shows in their gametes.
The ET’s that are participating in activating DNA so we can bring in more light quotient are the same beings that created us into what the human is now! Pleiadean, Arcturian, Sirian, Andromedan, Lyran, Orion, Dragon, Grey, Zeta and a bunch more that I’m unfamiliar with or can’t gather quiet yet.
This is the evolutionary tampering that our current scientists can’t or are unable to explain about human history. Scientists have been trying to find the “missing link’s” that tie one humanoid to another in the evolution of humans. The problem is they probably never will until they accept that our DNA has been tampered with.
The deeper scientists look the more they don’t want to see. They will have to accept the fact that we are not alone in the Universe and that we have never been alone, ever. We were created.
When I sat down today to channel the information about donor sperm and donor eggs I never thought I would get this kind of information. I had no clue TLS would be involved!
There are many reasons we go through infertility. Please remember, that yes, it could be a disease or chemical that inhibits a person from procreating. But that is just what we brought into this life to experience. The reason for the disease or chemical toxicity was a planned event for you to experience.
Let me help you remember the reason for your infertility journey. It may be the catalyst for peace or healing.
Email me to schedule a QHHT, BQH session or an Intuitive Reading at lauramoonintuitive@gmail.com